Free Books on Algebra
Algebra, Abstract
- Workbook in Higher Algebra by David Surowski
- Differential Algebra by Joseph Fels Ritt
- Structure and Representations of Jordan Algebras by Nathan Jacobson
- A Course in Universal Algebra by Stanley N. Burris, and H.P. Sankappanavar
- An Invitation to General Algebra and Universal Constructions by George M. Bergman
- Varieties of Lattices by Peter Jipsen, and Henry Rose
- Lectures on Matrices by Joseph Henry Maclagen Wedderburn
- Elementary Abstract Algebra by Edwin Clark
- Intro to Abstract Algebra by Paul Garrett
- Elements of Abstract and Linear Algebra by Edwin H. Connell
- Abstract Algebra:The Basic Graduate Year by Robert Ash
- A Course In Commutative Algebra by Robert Ash
- Notes for geometric group theory course by John R. Stallings
- Advanced Linear Algebra lecture notes (with real algorithm for the real Jordan form) by Keith Matthews
- Commutative algebra by Ivan Fesenko
- Abstract Algebra - Number Theory, Group Theory, Galois Theory by Daviidd Wilkins
- Abstract group theory by Chuck Miller
- The Classification of the Finite Simple Groups by Daniel Gorenstein, Richard Lyons, and Ronald Solomon
- Group Characters, Symmetric Functions, and the Hecke Algebra by David M. Goldschmidt
- Finite Groups and their Representations by Andrew Baker
- Classical Groups by Peter Cameron
- Galois theory by Miles Reid
- Toeplitz and Circulant Matrices by Robert M. Gray
- Homogeneous spaces and equivariant embeddings by Dmitri A. Timashev
- Algebra: Abstract and Concrete by Frederick M. Goodman
- Commutative Algebra, Algebraic Geometry, Number theory, Field Theory, Galois Theory by Sudhir R. Ghorpade
- Fundamental Problems in Algorithmic Algebra by Chee Yap
- Braid groups and Galois theory by Frazer Jarvis
- A. N. Whitehead's Geometric Algebra by Stephen Blake
- Commutator Theory for Congruence Modular Varieties by Ralph Freese, and Ralph McKenzie
- Constructive Aspects of the Inverse Galois Problem by A. Ledet, and N. Yui, and C. Jensen
- Publications and prepublications about braids
- Basics of Algebra and Analysis for Computer Science by Jean Gallier
- Abstract Algebra with GAP, Authored by By J. G. Rainbolt and J. A. Gallian
- Mathematical Methods of Engineering Analysis, by Erhan Çinlar and Robert J. Vanderbei
Algebraic Geometry
- Determinantal rings by Winfried Bruns, and Udo Vetter
- Algebraic geometry and projective differential geometry by Joseph M. Landsberg
- Introduction to Algebraic Geometry by Igor V. Dolgachev
- Algebraic Geometry by J.S. Milne
- Modular forms by Igor Dolgachev
- Complex analytic and algebraic geometry by Jean-Pierre Demailly
- Introduction to Algebraic Geometry by Yuriy Drozd
- Algebraic Curves by Hendrik L. Lenstra
- Algebraic Geometry, Toric Varieties, Galois Theory by David A. Cox
- Quasi-projective Moduli for Polarized Manifolds by Eckart Viehweg
- Lectures on Vanishing Theorems by Eckart Viehweg, and Hélène Esnault
- Introduction to Algebraic Geometry by Ravi Vakil
- Resolution of Singularities by János Kollár
- Eleven books on geometry, topology, and algebra by Andrew Ranicki
Elliptic Curves
- Elliptic curves by Miles Reid
- Elliptic Curves by Jim Milne
- Modular curves by Bas Edixhoven
- Expository articles - Computing rational points on curves, Elliptic curves by Bjorn Poonen
Category Theory
- Mixed Motives by Marc Levine
- Toposes, Triples and Theories by Michael Barr, and Charles Wells
- Abstract and Concrete Categories by J. Adamek, H. Herrlich, and G. Strecker
- A Gentle Introduction to Category Theory by Maarten M.Fokkinga
- Introduction to The Theory of Categories by David Madore
- Higher-Dimensional Categories: an illustrated guide book by Eugenia Cheng, and Aaron Lauda
- Higher Operads, Higher Categories by Tom Leinster
Lie Algebras
- Algebraic Groups and Discontinuous Subgroups by Armand Borel, and George D. Mostow
- Theory of representations etc by Claudio Procesi
- Semisimple Lie Algebras and their Representations by Robert N. Cahn
- Lie Algebras by Shlomo Sternberg
Note:These books are published online by their authors for free viewing and printing for non-commercial proposes only.
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