Panasonic had in November launched the P55 smartphone in India, priced at Rs. 10,290. The company on Thursday has launched a follow up handset called P55 Novo. Priced at Rs. 9,290, the P55 Novo will be available from the first week of July.
The selfie-focused Panasonic P55 Novo runs Android 4.4.2 KitKat out-of-the-box, and comes with dual-SIM support. It features a 5.3-inch HD (720x1280 pixels) IPS display, and is powered by a 1.4GHz octa-core processor (unspecified) coupled with 1GB of RAM. The smartphone includes 8GB of inbuilt storage that is expandable via microSD card (up to 32GB).
The smartphone sports a 13-megapixel autofocus rear camera with triple-LED flash, while also housing a 5-megapixel front-facing camera with LED flash. Connectivity options on the Panasonice P55 Novo include Bluetooth 4.0, Wi-Fi, FM radio, Micro-USB, GPRS/ EDGE, GPS/ A-GPS, and 3G.
It packs the same 2500mAh removable battery like in the P55, with no word on talk time and standby time. Measuring 147.9x73.8x8.15mm, the Panasonic P55 Novo features Tap Play, which allows users to wake up the smartphone without pressing the physical power button, and Gesture Play, which allows launching of apps via gestures.
"With consumer priorities changing radically, we believe in enhancing customer experience by providing them with smart technology on the go. With the new smartphone, we are here to to offer a new dimension wherein the model has been specially designed to provide easy accessibility to consumers looking for a single app to control all home devices," said Manish Sharma, Managing Director, Panasonic India during the launch.
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